We need offerings for our missionaries and prayer houses
We need offerings for our missionaries prayer houses
We are truly thankful for your offerings as a mission partner.
We, the Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission, also need your financial support for other purposes as well.
Need for our missionaries
Missionaries of the Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission are now sent to New York, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Denver, San Diego, Brasil, Zambia and Chezh.
Their reports are published in our monthly newsletter, so please read them.
If you are burdened for ministries of our missionaries, we’d appreciate it if you would give offerings for them.
【Postal Transfer】 加入者名:聖所から流れ出る水ミッション 口座番号:00110-3-535710
【Bank Account】 銀行名 三菱東京UFJ銀行 店番 155 口座番号 1108934 口座名 聖所から流れ出る水ミッション
会計 高橋直美
When you remit your offering from your bank account, we will appreciate it if you kindly inform us for sure.
Need for prayer houses
God has given us a vision to establish seven prayer houses in the world.
Specifically, we have now been praying for one by the Sea of Galilee in Israel, and one another in Patmos Island in Greece, and researching on land and property in these areas.
If you are burdened, please offer for establishing of these prayer houses.
Names of the offerings: please specify “for the prayer house by the Sea of Galilee,” or “for the prayer house in Patmos Island” as you offer.