Message from an Ukraine illustrator
According to Pastor Duncan of TLEA San Diego Pillar of Praise Church, they were privileged to have an Ukrainian illustrator help them with producing “A Gift from God,” an animated short movie with which they entered into Hakuba Christian Film Festival 2022. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Pastor Duncan was unable to contact him, but she has recently been able to contact him. He told her that Ukraine is being destroyed more and more, civilians are hiding in the basement to escape from the Russian army, there are many of them who died due to lack of water and food, and the situation is getting tougher day by day. Pastor Duncan would appreciate it if you pray for Ukraine and spread this situation on your SNS, etc.
Following is a message from the Ukrainian illustrator.
“Ukraine looks like total distraction today. Russians have been bombing everything, killing civilians, women, children. there are towns that are blocked by the Russian army, people sitting in the basements, dying with no food and water…and it’s getting worse day by day, but we will resist till death.”
“A Gift From God”