Los Angeles
Faith Sasaki(Pastor,TLEA Los Angeles Church)
Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord. I sincerely appreciate your precious prayers and
The new year has started in November, and we received the scripture verse of the Year of 2025 is from 1 Samuel 17:47, which says, “Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.” Having received the Word of God for the new year, I am deeply aware that, as a spiritual Israelite, I have been newly sent from Galilee to North America. With this understanding, I desire to serve the Lord wholeheartedly in this place throughout the year. At the end of October, we had the opportunity to lift praises to the Lord from the 27th-floor observation deck of Los Angeles City Hall, overlooking the cityscape of Los Angeles. Serving the Lord as part of the praise team in such a setting was a truly meaningful experience. As we entered November, we have been serving the Lord as a worship team, interceding for the city in various locations: in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, in front of the plaza at City Hall in Glendale, where our church office is located, and in the central area of Glendale. Moreover, we have extended our worship ministry into Orange County as well! 🙂 As we enter the new year, I kindly ask for your continued prayers for the work of the Los Angeles Church. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. May God bless you abundantly!
“Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47
< Prayer Requests>
- For thorough hearing and obeying the Lord
- For the vessels of the Lord to be gathered.
- That the Lord would provide musicians for praising.
- That the work through the internet may be strengthened.
- For my health.
- For protection from dangers.
- For the financial needs to be filled.
- For progress with my English ability.
TLEA Los Angeles Church Web-site (Japanese)