Jerusalem Mayumi Fuchino (Pastor, TLEA Hawaii Church & Associate Pastor, TLEA LA Church)
I praise the Lord. Thank you for your precious prayers and offerings from my heart.
It was the end of last year, Sister K. from the Church of Hawaii was finally appointed to a law firm in downtown Honolulu. The Lord’s time has come, and the work of His calling as an attorney has begun in earnest. Praise the name of the Lord!
Personally, last year was a year of weakness both physically and mentally, but God encouraged me, helped me, protected me, and guided me. I thank the Lord from the bottom of my heart that He sent me to various places as a praise band and that I was able to serve the Lord because of His abundant mercy.
On November 5, during the prayers of many people, the U.S. presidential election was held, and after the confirmation of the 47th president, President Trump shared his joy with his family and other related people, and many in the audience listened to his words of thanks-giving and his speech. The next administration is currently making appointments of cabinet members one after another, and we pray that God’s will be done abundantly in the U.S. through those who are vessels of God. In the midst of all this, we hope that you will remember us in your intercession prayer so that God’s plan in Hawaii for this year will be carried out concretely. Glory to the Lord!
<Prayer Requests>
1.For thorough prayer and obedience, thanksgiving, praise, and joy.
2.To be able to receive the word of the new year and to walk in faith standing on that word.
3.To be able to do His will as pastor of the Church of Hawaii and cooperating pastor of the Church of Los Angeles
4.For the service of Sister Y and the complete healing of her body
5.To be able to do His will in AI, IT, SNS, movie, spiritual gifts, and praising band work.
6.For rapid improvement of my English skill
7.For my health, safety, and economy
【TLEA Hawaii church】 http://tleahawaii.wfsmission.info/