What is Mission?
“The Water Flowing from the Sanctuary Mission” started doing overseas missions in 1989 by God’s calling. God especially showed us about revival at the end times, and gave us the name “The Water Flowing from the Sanctuary” from scriptures from Ezekiel 47:1-12.
The word “mission” means “sending out.” More accurately, it means evangelization and social services in the places where God send us.
Specific works of evangelization are missionary work: telling the “Gospel, that when one believes in the Lord Jesus, he will be saved” to all people, and making disciples: leading believers to be good disciples.
Recently, we feel that the second coming of Christ is near as we see the issues of Middle East peace, earthquakes and disasters, abnormal weathers, conflicts and wars between peoples, situations of the governments and economic confusion of various nations, etc. But surely, before the second coming, revival of the end tines will break out and spread to the whole world.
God shows us that our mission work will be a part of that revival in the end times. He shows us that we will have over 90 mission offices in the world, and we will share and spread the fire of revival that breaks out in some part of the world to the other parts through our missionary work, and when revival will come inJapan, we will go out to the world with the fire of the revival.
Until now, God opened many doors for a short-time mission work, and also we have sent long-term missionaries to North America (LA, NY, Hawaii, Denver, San Diego, Chicago and Virginia) and South America (Brazil). In these places, we have been advancing the work of establishing meetings and churches, and the work of our seminaries.
God is also leading us to be involved in publication ministry. Also, we have orphanages in Cambodia, Brazil, Philippines and Africa. On April 2001, the work of the orphanages became independent from our mission office as another organization.
We also support other seminarians and missionary organizations overseas.