Prayer Requests (February, 2025)
Prayer Requests for this month
1. For short-term mission teams of God’s will
2. For each missionary’s financial needs, good health, and protection from accidents and dangers
3. For the WFS Mission Tokyo Office
4. For the works of evangelism through Internet and AI
5. For the works in Israel
6. For the works in Europe
7. For the works in Asia
Prayer requests for the needs of our missionaries
◆For Pastor Naomi Takahashi who will be sent to Singapore Finishing her term in London, Pastor Naomi Takahashi came back to Japan.
She now prepares for the work in Singapore.
Please pray for her. If you are burdened, we will appreciate it if you could donate for her, or for the work in Singapore. -Postal transfer account- Name: 聖所から流れ出る水ミッション (せいじょからながれでるみずみっしょんSeijo kara nagarederu mizu misshon)
Account No.: 00110-3-535710 (Please specify the purpose of your donation)
pray for health insurance joining of missionaries in North America
◆Please pray for health insurance joining of missionaries in North America – Concerning American medical treatment costs conditions – Right now, on survey of health insurance subscription conditions of each overseas missionary in North America, we do hope for receiving medical treatment, if necessary by all means. Medical treatment costs are very expensive in North America (example of AIU survey: Appendicitis operation in one day hospitalization costs about 1,940,000 yen. Traffic accident injury operation in 2 weeks hospitalization 9,000,000 yen.)
Hospitalization is not allowed even for sickness in case of no insurance. Insurance fee is very expensive and even when insurance is available, hospitalization needs self-support of as much as $500. Therefore, in spite of office insurance, avoiding hospitalization, except for unusual cases, is real situation. Now knowing strictly this real situation, we will be happy if you will first remember this in your prayer. Also, we would like to request your donation of medical insurance fee, if you have the burden.
Thank you for your prayer and precious offerings. It was filled that needs for medical insurance fee for Pastor Satoko Duncan of TLCCC Pillars of Praise Church in San Diego. We will appreciate it if you could pray continuously and donate for the medical insurance fee especially for Pastor Faith Sasaki of TLCCC in Los Angeles.