Please pray for Pastor Eddie in the Philippines
Pastor Eddie, who is a pastor of TLEA church in the Philippines, was brought into ICU because of stroke last night (Thursday, October 8).
He has diabetes. The other internal organs of his proved normal except that he also has hyperglycemia.
He underwent CT scan yesterday. Please pray that he has no blood clot in his brain and that he will be healed and be able to move.
If you are burned in your prayers, we will appreciate it if you could send an offering for him to the account written below.
【Postal Transfer】 加入者名:聖所から流れ出る水ミッション 口座番号:00110-3-535710
【Bank Account】 銀行名 三菱東京UFJ銀行 店番 155 口座番号 1108934 口座名 聖所から流れ出る水ミッション
会計 高橋直美