『Latest News』information
Pastor Kamidate’s urticaria has completely been healed!
Hallelujah! Pastor Kamidate of TLEA Denver church says that now, her urticaria, …続きを読む
YouTube: Eastern Europe & Japan Joint Gospel Web Festival
The gospel joint web concert by TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church, Prague Church, and lo…続きを読む
Eastern Europe & Japan Joint Gospel Web Festival 2021!
A joint web gospel concert of Eastern Europe and Japan will be released on YouTu…続きを読む
God’s healing is happening to Pastor Kamidate of TLEA Denver Church
Pastor Kamidate of TLEA Denver Church is being healed of the chronic urticaria a…続きを読む
Hakuba Synergoi Camp
TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church will hold the Hakuba Synergoi Camp from March 1 to 3, …続きを読む
Video summary of the team to Israel in November 2021
YouTube of the video summary of the team to Israel in November 2021
The date of the next team to Israel in October – November 2022
The next team to Israel is planned from Monday, October 31st to Saturday, Novemb…続きを読む
The Israeli team arrived back in Haneda/Tokyo Airport
The Israeli team members arrived back in Haneda/Tokyo Airport at around 7am on W…続きを読む
The team had New Year service by the Sea of Galilee on Nov. 7
On Sunday, November 7, 2021, the team to Israel had New Year service for the chu…続きを読む
Pastor Fuchino returned to the U.S.
Pastor Fuchino returned to the U.S. this week after she stayed in Japan this sum…続きを読む