Holy Meeting by the team to Switzerland and Germany on Jan. 29, 2023
The team to Switzerland and Germany held a holy meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, o…続きを読む
The team ministered at a church in Zurich
Pastor Paul Akimoto and the team ministered at a church in Zurich on Thursday ev…続きを読む
The team will leave for Switzerland & Germany tomorrow!
The team of 22 persons including Pastor Paul Akimoto of TLEA Tokyo Antioch Churc…続きを読む
We stopped accepting applications for the team to Germany and Switzerland
On Tuesday, January 10th, at 10PM, we stopped accepting applications for the tea…続きを読む
The team to Germany to Switzerland in January 2023
The outreach team led by Pastor Paul Akimoto will be sent to Switzerland and Ger…続きを読む
Our missionaries gave testimonies in Hakuba Camp
America, Czech Republic, Denver, Europe, Hawaii, Latest News, Los Angeles, New York, Prague, Sandiego
TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church hosted Hakuba Camp from 7/19 (Tue.) to 7/22 (Fri.) in …続きを読む
Thanksgiving message from Pastor Rado in Slovakia
It was a great honor for me to participate in the Japan-Europe Joint Charity WEB…続きを読む
A message of thanks from Pastor Bolodja in Ukraine
We were able to watch the video of the Japan-Europe Joint Charity Web Gospel Con…続きを読む
Japan-Europe Joint Charity Web Gospel Concert 2022 for Ukraine is now available
Japan-Europe Joint Charity Web Gospel Concert 2022 for Ukraine is now available …続きを読む
Thumbnail image for the 2nd Europe and Japan Joint Web Gospel Concert
Shown below is a thumbnail image for the 2nd Europe and Japan Joint Web Gospel C…続きを読む